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14 Investment Fundraising Fundamentals


A rite of passage for any entrepreneur looking to build a business is the raising of capital. Fundraising can be both a challenging and rewarding experience, as it requires significant research and preparation to ensure the best chance of success.

When talking to potential investors, entrepreneurs must know what to say—and more importantly, what not to say—to get their attention. To help you in your quest for startup funding, here are 14 key considerations to keep in mind when talking to investors. Fundraising is an integral part of any business, so use these tips as a guide to your success!

Overview of Fundraising

Fundraising is an essential tool for entrepreneurs and startups. Whether you’re a startup or a business owner, launching your product or service requires capital to get the job done. Fundraising can be used to fuel the continued growth of a business or help secure the initial capital required to start it up. It’s important to remember that not all forms of fundraising are equal and often require careful analysis and due diligence by the entrepreneur. Fundraising is a powerful tool and with proper management can provide much-needed resources to any aspiring business or idea.

Understand your funding needs

To take your business to the next level, fundraising is a critical step for any ambitious entrepreneur. Whether it’s raising capital to fuel aggressive growth plans or simply replenishing depleted coffers, it is important that entrepreneurs understand their funding needs before reaching out to investors. Knowing the why behind fundraising and ensuring it’s the right time are two critical components for success.

Fundraising isn’t a one-off event, but rather an ongoing process. It involves not just understanding the amount of money being sought, but more importantly, how it will be used and why now is the time to go down this route. A savvy entrepreneur should use this as an opportunity to get their message across that requires investors to believe in what they are doing with vision and passion beyond just returns on investment.

Do your homework

Finding the right investor can be the difference between success and failure. However, not all investors are created equal, and it’s important for entrepreneurs to do their homework before reaching out. Researching potential investors can help entrepreneurs identify those who are a good fit for their business, understand their investment preferences and priorities, and tailor their pitch accordingly.

Proper homework can also help entrepreneurs avoid wasting time and resources on investors who are unlikely to invest or who are not a good match for their business. By doing their homework on investors, entrepreneurs can increase their chances of securing funding, building strong relationships with their investors, and ultimately achieving their business goals.

7 Things to Do When Talking to Investors

Not all investors you talk to will be looking for the same things or have the same criteria on how they evaluate deals. Nevertheless, most investors you come across when searching for capital will look for a few key components to assess whether your venture is worth investing in. These are 7 of the top elements to cover in your pitch to potential investors.

Provide A Clearly Defined Problem

Having a clearly defined problem presented within a story can be a powerful tool in getting investors excited about investing in your company. Investors are often looking for opportunities that not only have the potential for significant financial returns but also address a real-world problem. By crafting a compelling story that effectively communicates the problem your company aims to solve, investors can better understand the value proposition of your business and the potential impact it can have.

A clearly defined problem that is relatable and resonates with investors can create an emotional connection, making it more likely for them to invest in your company. Ultimately, a compelling story that communicates a clear problem and solution can help to differentiate your company from others and generate interest from potential investors.

Highlight your competitive advantage

When you’re trying to convince potential investors to put their money into your business, it’s crucial to clearly highlight your competitive advantage. In essence, your competitive advantage is what sets your business apart from the competition and gives you an edge in the marketplace. Investors want to know what makes your company unique and what gives you the potential for long-term success.

By clearly articulating your competitive advantage, you’re essentially telling investors why your business is worth their investment. This can include things like unique technology, proprietary processes, a strong brand, or even a talented team. Not only does highlighting your competitive advantage give investors a clear picture of what sets your business apart, it can also instill a sense of confidence that you have what it takes to succeed.

Outline your business model

Your business model is also an integral factor for investors to consider when assessing your company. Investors want to see a clear outline of the business model when considering an investment because it gives them a comprehensive understanding of how the company will generate revenue and create long-term value.

A well-defined business model not only demonstrates how the company intends to make money, but it also provides a roadmap for how the company plans to grow and scale over time. This includes things like customer acquisition and retention strategies, pricing models, revenue streams, and distribution channels. By outlining these key elements, investors can better assess the potential of the business and make informed decisions about whether or not to invest.

Additionally, a well-crafted business model can also help investors understand the risks associated with the investment and identify potential areas of concern.

Present a strong market opportunity

When entrepreneurs pitch to investors, presenting a strong market opportunity overview is essential in demonstrating the potential for long-term success. This overview should provide a clear and detailed understanding of the market and the opportunity it presents for the company. It should cover things like the size of the market, the target customer base, the competition, and any potential growth opportunities.

By presenting this information in a clear and concise manner, entrepreneurs can help investors to better understand the potential of the business and how it fits into the broader market landscape. A strong market opportunity overview can also instill confidence in investors, as it shows that the entrepreneur has a deep understanding of the market and the potential for growth.

Showcase the product and the team behind it

Investors love to see where they are putting their investment, in regard to both the product and the team. It’s important to not only present a high-quality product but to also highlight the talent and expertise of the team behind it.

By showcasing the product, investors can gain a better understanding of its value proposition, competitive advantages, and potential market appeal. It’s important for entrepreneurs to be able to demonstrate the product’s features and benefits, as well as any unique aspects that set it apart from the competition.

In addition to the product itself, showcasing the team behind it is equally important. Investors want to know that the people responsible for bringing the product to market have the necessary skills or the willingness to acquire them, experience, and expertise to execute the company’s vision. This includes highlighting the team’s qualifications, past successes, and relevant industry experience.

Indicate that you have a plan for future growth

Next on the list of things to clearly present to a potential investor is your go-to-market strategy. Entrepreneurs need to demonstrate a deep understanding of their target market and how they plan to reach and engage with their customers. A successful go-to-market strategy should include a detailed plan for customer acquisition, including the channels and tactics that will be used to reach potential customers. This can include things like social media advertising, growth hacking strategies, search engine optimization, email marketing, content marketing, or even traditional advertising methods.

Additionally, investors want to see that entrepreneurs have a plan for customer retention, including how they plan to keep their customers engaged, and how they will turn them into loyal brand advocates.

Financial projections and use of funds

Including financial projections and a clear outline of how the funds received from an investor will be used are critical elements when seeking investment. Financial projections provide investors with a clear understanding of the company’s potential for growth and profitability, as well as the expected return on investment. Entrepreneurs should include a detailed breakdown of projected revenue, costs, and profits over a specified period, such as 3-5 years, and should be supported by well-researched market analysis and a solid business plan.

In addition to financial projections, investors also want to see a clear outline of how the funds received will be used to support the growth and development of the business. This should include a detailed breakdown of how the funds will be allocated, including things like research and development, marketing and advertising, product development, or expansion into new markets. Investors want to see how funds will be used to fuel your growth to the next level, versus being a lifeline to a sinking ship.

» Related Article: Understanding the 7 Stages of the Startup Life Cycle

7 Things to Avoid When Fundraising

Being aware of what to stay away from when speaking with investors is as essential as having knowledge of what they are searching for. Simply knowing what to avoid can help prevent you from unnecessarily shooting yourself in the foot. Ahead are 7 surefire ways you can destroy a potential investment before it even materializes.

Overpromising results or providing false information

Overpromising results or suggesting inflated numbers to potential investors can be severely damaging to entrepreneurs and their investment opportunities. In such cases, investors may become wary of future proposals by this entrepreneur and may be less likely to invest in their idea in the future.

More disastrously, providing false information violates numerous legal regulations and may land entrepreneurs in serious financial and legal trouble. An honest evaluation of the risks involved in any venture is a much safer approach than attempting to deceive investors with false statistics or promises

Exaggerating the size of the opportunity

Overstating the potential opportunities of a product or service can come with consequences for entrepreneurs. In the context of investments, exaggerating the size and scope of an opportunity is likely to discourage potential investors from investing in the business. In most cases, this is due to high expectations being set that may not be fulfilled by the venture.

Additionally, legitimate buyers in search of realistic returns may quickly lose interest in overestimated growth possibilities as they are unlikely to be achieved as expected. Entrepreneurs should remain honest and realistic when pitching investment opportunities so they attract like-minded parties interested in a sustainable, achievable return on investment.

Coming off as too desperate or arrogant

It is important to come across as confident but not arrogant in your pitch. Desperation may lead a potential investor to doubt an entrepreneur’s capacity and dedication or that the project is not worth investing in. An overly aggressive sales pitch can be off-putting and make investors wary of investing in the startup.

Having strong research and knowledge under their belt can help entrepreneurs sound more authoritative instead of coming off too desperate or overbearing. Being able to present their venture calmly, with well thought out points, will prove their trustworthiness and increase the potential for securing high-quality investments that will help grow their business.

Asking investors to sign a nondisclosure agreement

While a nondisclosure agreement (NDA) may seem like a safeguard against potential conflicts, it can actually hurt investment opportunities in the long run. All NDAs take time to negotiate and sign, which slows down the process of raising investments.

Furthermore, venture capitalists often view signing NDAs as unprofessional as they limit their ability to seek further financing from other partners. Ultimately, while entrepreneurs must still create an environment of trust with potential investors, signing an NDA should not necessarily be seen as a requirement for success when it comes to raising investments.

I Don’t need a team

When pitching to potential investors, entrepreneurs may be tempted to present themselves as self-sufficient and capable of building a successful business without the help of a team. However, this approach can actually hurt investment opportunities.

Investors are looking for entrepreneurs who can assemble a strong team to execute on their vision and scale their business. By presenting yourself as a solo founder who does not need a team, you may be signaling to investors that you are not open to collaboration or that you lack the interpersonal skills needed to attract and retain top talent.

Investors want to see that you have a plan for building a capable team that can help you execute on your business plan and drive growth over the long term. Having a team responsible for different roles and tasks creates more security in investments since there are other potential sources that can contribute to its success.

We have no competition

Another important fundraising faux pas to avoid is claiming your business has no competition. This statement is often met with skepticism and can hurt the entrepreneur’s chances of securing investments. Investors are well aware that every market has competition, and claiming otherwise can make the entrepreneur seem uninformed or delusional.

Investors want to see that entrepreneurs have a clear understanding of their market and their competition and that they have a strategy for differentiating themselves and gaining market share.

Moreover, competition can be a positive sign, as it shows that there is demand for the product or service the entrepreneur is offering. By acknowledging the competition and demonstrating a plan for standing out and succeeding in a market, entrepreneurs can build investor confidence and increase their chances of securing the funding they need to grow their concept.

The product will sell itself

Investors tend to shy away from entrepreneurs with the field of dreams syndrome (“if you build it, they will come”). While a product or service can be revolutionary, customers will still need to be attracted and convinced to buy it, at a sustainable acquisition cost.

Investors will be skeptical of claims that a product will sell itself, and may view such claims as an indication that the entrepreneur has not thought through the complexities of marketing and sales. Investors understand that even the best products require a thoughtful and strategic approach to marketing and sales in order to reach the right customers, stand out in a crowded market, and drive growth. They want to see that entrepreneurs have a clear plan for reaching their target market, building brand awareness, and scaling sales over time.

By acknowledging the importance of effective marketing and sales and demonstrating a thoughtful plan for achieving success in these areas, entrepreneurs can build investor confidence and increase their chances of securing the funding they need to bring their products to market and achieve their growth objectives.


Raising capital for your business can be a daunting task, but with the right preparation and understanding of what investors are looking for, as well as avoiding what they dislike hearing, entrepreneurs can increase the likelihood of securing investments that will help them bring their concept to life.

These are some of the best tips we came across in our own research on building a successful pitch to raise capital. Fundraising is a delicate and often frustrating dance, but we hope these tips will help to make the process a bit smoother and increase your chances of success. Good luck!

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Note: This article was originally published on my previous blog located at on 2/15/23


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